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Will Satellite Internet Deliver Net Neutrality?

Very rarely does one see relatively technical telecommunication policies garner attention the way net neutrality has in the last decade. The net neutrality movement is mainly centered around whether internet service providers can prioritize and reserve certain data on the internet while discriminating against others. Here is a brief take on how satellite internet can shift the tides towards the supporters of net neutrality with its benefits.

How satellite internet can enhance net neutrality

Competition means choice for consumers

Competition, or the lack thereof, is one of the biggest hurdles in front of net neutrality. In several regions across the globe, consumers can only choose between a handful of broadband service providers. In the absence of credible competition, customers might fall prey to favoritism in terms of pricing, speed, packet priority, and response time. Meanwhile, unfavorable content can be downright blocked if not downgraded by players in monopoly. Satellite internet opens up the doors for competition, which is beneficial for consumers as it keeps every involved service provider in check.

Global connectivity and broadband for rural areas

Rural outreach is an obstacle that cable internet is yet to overcome. Moreover, setting up cable is difficult and requires kilometers of fiber installation, requiring high investment in terms of money and time. Satellite internet delivers high-quality internet connectivity to such “unconnected” regions. It translates to more people on the internet accessing information that they previously did not have access to. As consumers get aware of their rights, they can make an informed decision about telecom regulations and their role in the process. Satellite internet is the best broadband for rural areas.

Service trust and reliability

Unlike terrestrial connections, satellite connections consist of a satellite, a teleporter, NOC, and a terminal. Since there is less equipment on the ground, the possibility of interruptions in the service is minimum. This adds a significant advantage to companies in remote areas that require continuous connectivity irrespective of external factors. Even if an unlikely event causes disruption, network connections can be restored quickly.


The advantages of satellite internet stretch far beyond simple tasks like emails and weather reports. From distance learning to telemedicine and everything in between, consumers can take charge of their own life, stay healthy, and make informed decisions, irrespective of where they choose to live. Thus, everyone can access the same ocean of information without paying for prioritization or “fast lanes.”

Because light travels faster in vacuum and satellites can direct signals through fewer routers, satellite internet connections may very soon occupy a significant market share. Even if it does not match cable broadband speeds, the convenience of an easily accessible global network without restrictions can easily outweigh the lost MBs.

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